Star Coffee Writing about stuff, working in public

Rocket Launch Industry Data Visualizations

By Michal Jagodzinski - April 24th, 2023

Hello and welcome back to Star Coffee! I'm delving into a new topic today, data visualization using Julia. I am going to be visualizing some data about the rocket launch industry using AlgebraOfGraphics.jl, a Grammar of Graphics visualization library build on top of Makie.jl. To do various data operations, I will be using Tidier.jl, a library built on top of DataFrames.jl to bring tidyverse-style data manipulation to Julia.

AlgebraOfGraphics.jl is based on The Grammar of Graphics, a methodology for creating quantitative graphics. AlgebraOfGraphics is very similar to R's ggplot2 library. I've used ggplot2 before various times, and it is incredible how easy it is to make some complex visualizations using it, and I'm glad the Julia ecosystem has an equivalent plotting library.

I am writing this post as I wanted to test out the capabilities of both AlgebraOfGraphics.jl and Tidier.jl. I have been interested in checking out both libraries for a bit now, but I haven't gotten the opportunity to. Lately I've been trying to improve my data visualization skills, so I decided to try these libraries out to visualize some interesting data. I'm also interested to see how AlgebraOfGraphics.jl stacks up to my preferred data visualization tool, ggplot2.

Data source: Rocket Launch Industry on Kaggle.

Looking at the Data

Importing required libraries:

using AlgebraOfGraphics, CairoMakie, Tidier, DataFrames, CSV

Importing the data and getting an overview:

launch_data ="./data/Launches.csv", DataFrame)
16×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable                    mean       min                                median      max                                nmissing  eltype
     │ Symbol                      Union…     Any                                Any         Any                                Int64     Type
   1 │ Launch Id                   3446.81    3                                  3481.5      6886                                      0  Int64
   2 │ Launch Time                            1957-10-04 19:28:00+00:00                      2021-12-30 03:30:00+00:00                 0  String31
   3 │ Launch Status                          Failure                                        Success                                   0  String31
   4 │ Launch Suborbital                      Orbital                                        Orbital                                   0  String7
   5 │ Rocket Name                            ASLV                                           ZhuQue-1                                  0  String31
   6 │ Rocket Organisation                    ABMA                                           i-Space                                   0  String31
   7 │ Rocket Price                79.7566    2.5                                29.75       3000.0                                 3896  Union{Missing, Float64}
   8 │ Rocket Payload to LEO       8137.31    1.0                                6200.0      140000.0                                849  Union{Missing, Float64}
   9 │ Location                               Brigitte, Hammaguir, Algeria, Fr…              Xichang Satellite Launch Center,…         0  String
  10 │ Launch Year                 1988.65    1957                               1986.0      2021                                      0  Int64
  11 │ Launch Year Mon                        1957-10-01                         1986-08-01  2021-12-01                                0  Date
  12 │ USD/kg to LEO               89101.0    14106.6                            30952.4     1.06667e6                              3928  Union{Missing, Float64}
  13 │ 2021 Mult                   3.62512    1.0                                2.47235     9.64306                                   0  Float64
  14 │ USD/kg to LEO CPI Adjusted  1.54886e5  14951.5                            92255.9     2.21144e6                              3928  Union{Missing, Float64}
  15 │ Rocket Price CPI Adjusted   172.61     2.5                                56.4983     9410.93                                3896  Union{Missing, Float64}
  16 │ Dum                         1.0        1                                  1.0         1                                         0  Int64

It's always good to do a preliminary analysis of the data to get some insights. For instance, we can see the latest date in this dataset is December 12th, 2021, meaning we are missing over a year's worth of data as of writing. We can also see some columns have significant numbers of missing values, something we'll need to account for when doing some data operations.

First, I'll rename some columns to work better with Tidier and AlgebraOfGraphics:

    "Rocket Organisation" => :Rocket_Organisation,
    "Launch Status" => :Launch_Status,
    "USD/kg to LEO" => :USD_kg_to_LEO,
    "Rocket Price" => :Rocket_Price,
    "Rocket Payload to LEO" => :Rocket_Payload,
    "Rocket Price CPI Adjusted" => :Rocket_Price_Adjusted

Let's visualize the number of launches grouped by the launch organisation. Before visualizing, let's take a closer look at some specific parts of the data. Let's see how many launch organisations are included in this dataset:


There are 55 different organisations listed in this dataset, so we'll need to filter most out to ensure our visualization doesn't end up a hard-to-read mess. Next, let's use Tidier to count the number of launches by organisation and filter the ones with more than 140 launches (giving us a round 10 organisations):

@chain launch_data begin
    @summarize(Launches = nrow())
    @filter(Launches > 140)
10×2 DataFrame
 Row │ Rocket_Organisation  Launches
     │ String31             Int64
   1 │ RVSN USSR                2452
   2 │ US Air Force              548
   3 │ CASC                      414
   4 │ Roscosmos                 344
   5 │ VKS RF                    318
   6 │ Arianespace               289
   7 │ General Dynamics          250
   8 │ NASA                      204
   9 │ ULA                       147
  10 │ SpaceX                    142

That's a lot of rockets, especially from the USSR. Next let's get a filtered version of the data for plotting, as well as the ordered vector of launch organisations:

nlaunch_data = @chain launch_data begin
    @mutate(n = nrow())
    @filter(n > 140)
    @filter(Launch_Status != "Prelaunch Failure")

nlaunch_order = @chain launch_data begin
    @summarize(n = nrow())
    @filter(n > 140)

nlaunch_order = Vector{String}(

Creating the First Visualization

Finally, let's visualize this data using the filtered_data DataFrame:

fig1_axis = (
    ylabel="Number of Launches",

colour_sort = ["Success", "Partial Failure", "Failure"]
colours = [colorant"#003f5c", colorant"#ffa600", colorant"#ff6361"]

fig1_layers = data(nlaunch_data) *
        :Rocket_Organisation => sorter(nlaunch_order),
        color=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort) => "Launch Status",
        row=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort)) *

fig1 = Figure(resolution=(800,800))

title_ax = Axis(
    title="Launches of Major Rocket Organisations",
    subtitle="Number of launches by launch status from 1957 to 2021"

    facet=(; linkyaxes=:none),
    palettes=(; color=colours)

Now it's a lot more evident just the sheer magnitude of rockets the USSR has launched based on this visualization. Also notice the lack of failures for ULA.

In contrast, here's the equivalent plot made with ggplot:

organisation_vector <- launch_data %>%
    group_by(Rocket_Organisation) %>%
    summarize(Launches=n()) %>%
    arrange(desc(Launches)) %>%
    head(10) %>%

fig1_data <- launch_data %>%
        Rocket_Organisation=factor(Rocket_Organisation, levels=organisation_vector),
        Launch_Status=factor(Launch_Status, levels=c("Success", "Partial Failure", "Failure")),
    ) %>%
    group_by(Rocket_Organisation, Launch_Status) %>%
    count(Launch_Status, .drop=FALSE) %>%
    filter(Rocket_Organisation %in% organisation_vector) %>%
    filter(Launch_Status != "Prelaunch Failure")

fig1 <- ggplot(data=fig1_data, aes(x=Rocket_Organisation, y=n, fill=Launch_Status)) +
    geom_col() +
    facet_grid(Launch_Status~., scales = "free") +
    theme_minimal() +
        title="Launches of Major Rocket Organisations",
        subtitle="Number of launches by launch status from 1957 to 2021",
        caption="Data compiled by Maciej Krzysik on Kaggle",
        y="Number of Launches (1957 - 2021)"
    ) +
        legend.position = "none",
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
    ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=c("#003f5c", "#ffa600", "#ff6361"))


Unfortunately, I could not replicate a caption on the AlgebraOfGraphics.jl version of this visualization that looked decent.

Diving Deeper

Let's take a closer look at the visualization code to see what's happening. First, we define an axis tuple to set some axis-specific options:

fig1_axis = (
    ylabel="Number of Launches (1957 - 2021)",

Next, we define some vectors to specify the appearance order of the colours, or the Launch_Status column. I wanted the subplots in a specific order instead of the default one, and the color_sort vector is used to specify that order. Then, I define a vector of custom colours for each value of Launch_Status.

color_sort = ["Success", "Partial Failure", "Failure"]
colors = [colorant"#003f5c", colorant"#ffa600", colorant"#ff6361"]

Next, we define the AlgebraOfGraphics figure. First, the data source is specified, in this case the nlaunch_data DataFrame:

fig1_layers = data(nlaunch_data)

Next we define the initial mapping of the data, concatenating the fig1_layers variable using the * operator. You can think of mappings as specifying which parts of the data control specific parts of the resulting plot. We want to produce a bar plot showing the frequency of launches by the rocket organisation, so we set the Rocket_Organisation as the independent variable by using it as the first positional argument to the mapping function. We can order mappings using the sorter function, which takes an iterable object as input. This is why I defined the nlaunch_order variable earlier, as by default the values are ordered alphabetically.

fig1_layers = data(nlaunch_data) *
        :Rocket_Organisation => sorter(nlaunch_order))

Next, we define more mappings. I want the colours of the plot to correspond to the Launch_Status, so I map color to that column. I then sort the color mapping by the colour_sort, I want to make sure the colours of the Launch_Status values are in the order of my custom colours. I then rename the title for the mapping, as otherwise the legend would display "Launch_Status".

fig1_layers = data(nlaunch_data) *
        :Rocket_Organisation => sorter(nlaunch_order),
        color=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort) => "Launch Status")

Next, we break the plot apart into three rows of subplots based on the Launch_Status using the row mapping. Alternatively, we could've split the plot into three separate columns using the col mapping. Again, I sort the mapping using the colour_sort variable to ensure the Success status comes first and the Failure last.

fig1_layers = data(nlaunch_data) *
        :Rocket_Organisation => sorter(nlaunch_order),
        color=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort) => "Launch Status",
        row=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort))

To complete our figure, we concatenate the visual layer we are using. In this case, we want a frequency plot:

fig1_layers = data(nlaunch_data) *
        :Rocket_Organisation => sorter(nlaunch_order),
        color=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort) => "Launch Status",
        row=:Launch_Status => sorter(colour_sort)) *

Finally we draw the image. When working with AlgebraOfGraphics.jl, you normally don't need to initialize a Figure. However, the normal way of defining AlgebraOfGraphics.jl plots automatically generates a legend and adds any title or subtitle defined in the axis tuple to be included in each subplot. The next visualizations I'll showcase do not include this, and are more representative of the "normal" way to make plots with AlgebraOfGraphics.jl.

fig1 = Figure(resolution=(800,800))

title_ax = Axis(
    title="Launches of Major Rocket Organisations",
    subtitle="Number of launches by launch status from 1957 to 2021"

    facet=(; linkyaxes=:none),
    palettes=(; color=colours)

Just for reference, here is how the plot would look like if I did not do these extra steps (i.e. the "normal" way):

fig1_scuffed_axis = (
    width = 500,
    height = 200,
    ylabel="Number of Launches",
    title="Launches of Major Rocket Organisations",
    subtitle="Number of launches by launch status from 1957 to 2021"

fig1_scuffed = draw(
    facet=(; linkyaxes=:none),
    palettes=(; color=colours)

Yeah, not the greatest plot. The extra titles and legend are unnecessary. But the extra work to fix these problems is not too bad.

Some More Visualizations

Here are a couple more visualizations. I won't go too in-depth in the code this time around.

Organisation Rate of Failure Visualization

Let's look at the launch statuses a bit more. We can analyze the success rates of the organisations with the most launches, the same ones for the last visualization.

rate_data = @chain launch_data begin
        Launches = nrow(),
        Success = sum(Launch_Status .== "Success")
    @filter(Success > 133)
    @mutate(Success_Rate = 100*Success/Launches)
10×4 DataFrame
 Row │ Rocket_Organisation  Launches  Success  Success_Rate
     │ String31             Int64     Int64    Float64
   1 │ ULA                       147      146       99.3197
   2 │ Arianespace               289      278       96.1938
   3 │ SpaceX                    142      136       95.7746
   4 │ Roscosmos                 344      326       94.7674
   5 │ CASC                      414      390       94.2029
   6 │ NASA                      204      192       94.1176
   7 │ VKS RF                    318      299       94.0252
   8 │ RVSN USSR                2452     2260       92.1697
   9 │ US Air Force              548      487       88.8686
  10 │ General Dynamics          250      203       81.2
rate_axis = (
    ylabel="Success Rate (%)",

rate_order = rate_data.Rocket_Organisation

rate_layers = data(rate_data) *
    mapping(:Rocket_Organisation => sorter(rate_order), :Success_Rate)

rate_fig = draw(rate_layers; axis=rate_axis)

Unfortunately, this visualization really did not turn out the way I wanted. It seems AlgebraOfGraphics.jl currently does not support making arbitrary bar graphs, only frequency plots/histograms. The ggplot visualization shows what I was going for:

options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 5, repr.plot.res=300)

fig2_order <- launch_data %>%
    filter(Rocket_Organisation %in% organisation_vector) %>%
    group_by(Rocket_Organisation) %>%
    summarize(Launches = n(), Success = sum(Launch_Status == "Success")) %>%
    mutate(Success_Rate = 100*Success/Launches) %>%
    arrange(desc(Success_Rate)) %>%

fig2_data <- launch_data %>%
    filter(Rocket_Organisation %in% organisation_vector) %>%
    mutate(Rocket_Organisation=factor(Rocket_Organisation, levels=fig2_order)) %>%
    group_by(Rocket_Organisation) %>%
    summarize(Launches = n(), Success = sum(Launch_Status == "Success")) %>%
    mutate(Success_Rate = 100*Success/Launches) %>%

fig2 <- ggplot(data=fig2_data, aes(x=Rocket_Organisation, y=Success_Rate)) +
    geom_col(fill="#003f5c") +
        aes(label = paste0(round(Success_Rate, digits = 1), "%")),
        size = 3,
        halign = 0.5,
        box.colour = NA,
        fill = NA,
        colour = "#FFFFFF",
        fontface = "bold"
    ) +
    theme_minimal() +
        title="Launch Success Rates of Major Rocket Organisations",
        subtitle="Success rates of launches from 1957 to 2021",
        caption="Data compiled by Maciej Krzysik on Kaggle",
        y="Launch Success Rate (%)",
    ) +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 0.75),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),


Rocket Payload and Cost Visualization

Next, let's look at the relationship between each organisation's mean rocket cost and mean payload. First, we again take an initial look at the data to see what kinds of numbers we're working with:

cost_launch_data = @chain launch_data begin
        Launches = nrow(),
        Mean_Price = mean(skipmissing(Rocket_Price_Adjusted)),
        Mean_Payload = mean(skipmissing(Rocket_Payload))
    @filter(!isnan(Mean_Price) .&& !isnan(Mean_Payload))
30×4 DataFrame
 Row │ Rocket_Organisation            Launches  Mean_Price  Mean_Payload
     │ String31                       Int64     Float64     Float64
   1 │ NASA                                204  1493.91         29072.4
   2 │ US Air Force                        548   478.532         1598.17
   3 │ Boeing                              138   251.491         5470.33
   4 │ ULA                                 147   177.138        12259.1
   5 │ Arianespace                         289   166.745        14840.9
   6 │ Martin Marietta                     114   163.034        13109.4
   7 │ MHI                                  84   110.977         8609.73
   8 │ International Launch Services       137    90.2238       17207.6
   9 │ RVSN USSR                          2452    85.7552        6179.59
  10 │ Northrop                             88    66.4994        1741.09
  11 │ SpaceX                              142    57.5781       21425.7
  12 │ Lockheed                             79    55.2508        8702.08
  13 │ JAXA                                  8    54.1623        1799.71
  14 │ CASC                                414    49.2879        6410.89
  15 │ ESA                                  13    43.6679        4470.67
  16 │ Roscosmos                           344    41.1474       11567.5
  17 │ ISRO                                 78    39.3376        3420.0
  18 │ Kosmotras                            22    37.7113        4500.0
  19 │ EER                                   1    35.5604        1179.0
  20 │ Starsem                              37    33.2293        7200.54
  21 │ VKS RF                              318    30.8519        5989.91
  22 │ GK LS                                 1    23.0           7020.0
  23 │ Eurockot                             13    17.3452        2150.0
  24 │ Sandia                                1    17.1488         250.0
  25 │ Firefly                               1    15.0           1000.0
  26 │ Virgin Orbit                          3    12.1879         500.0
  27 │ Rocket Lab                           23     7.85144        300.0
  28 │ ExPace                               15     7.6303         380.0
  29 │ Galactic Energy                       2     5.0151         350.0
  30 │ Astra                                 4     2.55873        204.0

Next, we can visualize this data, and add some text annotations to this visualization:

costs_axis = (
    width = 600, height = 500,
    xlabel="Mean Payload Mass (kg)",
    ylabel="Mean Price (\$USD)",
    title="Mean Rocket Price vs. Mean Payload Mass of Major Rocket Organisations",
    subtitle="Based on launches from 1957 to 2021 adjusted for 2021 inflation",

costs_payload_fig = data(cost_launch_data) *
    mapping(:Mean_Payload, :Mean_Price => (p -> p*1e6))

fig2 = draw(

text_x = [29072.4, 12259.1, 1598.17, 21425.7, 204.0, 300.0, 14840.9+8e3, 4470.67]
text_y = [1493.912951, 177.138444, 478.532254, 57.578071, 2.558725, 7.851438, 166.744533, 43.667909] .* 1e6
text = ["NASA", "ULA", "US Air Force", "SpaceX", "Astra", "Rocket Lab", "Arianespace", "ESA"]

# adding all organisations
# text!(
#     Float64.(cost_launch_data.Mean_Payload),
#     Float64.(cost_launch_data.Mean_Price);
#     text=Vector{String}(cost_launch_data.Rocket_Organisation),
#     align=(:center, :bottom)
# )

    align=(:center, :bottom)

And now for a ggplot version:

options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 5, repr.plot.res=300)

fig3_data <- launch_data %>%
    group_by(Rocket_Organisation) %>%
        Mean_Payload=mean(Rocket_Payload, na.rm = TRUE),
        Mean_Price_Adjusted=1e6 * mean(Rocket_Price_Adjusted, na.rm = TRUE),
        Mean_USD_Kg_Adjusted=mean(USD_Kg_Adjusted, na.rm=TRUE)
    ) %>%

fig3 <- ggplot(data=fig3_data, aes(x=Mean_Payload, y=Mean_Price_Adjusted)) +
    geom_point(aes(color=Mean_USD_Kg_Adjusted, size=Mean_USD_Kg_Adjusted)) +
        aes(label=Rocket_Organisation, color=Mean_USD_Kg_Adjusted),
        size = 2.25,
        min.segment.length = 0,
        box.padding = unit(0.5, "lines")
    ) +
    scale_x_log10() +
    scale_y_log10() +
        colours=c("#003f5c", "#ff6361"),
    ) +
        title="Mean Rocket Price and Payload Mass of Rocket Organisations",
        subtitle="Based on data from 1957 to 2021 adjusted for inflation in 2021",
        caption="Data compiled by Maciej Krzysik on Kaggle",
        y="Mean Rocket Price ($USD)",
        x="Mean Payload Mass (kg)",
        colour="Mean $USD/kg"
    ) +
    theme_minimal() +
            title.position = "top",
            title.hjust = .5,
            barwidth=unit(20, "lines"),
            barheight=unit(.5, "lines"),

        size = "none")+
        legend.position = "top",
        plot.title = ggtext::element_textbox_simple(
            margin = margin(0, 0, 0.5, 0, "lines"),
            face = "bold"
        plot.subtitle = ggtext::element_textbox_simple(
            size = rel(0.75),
            margin = margin(0, 0, 0.5, 0, "lines")
        plot.caption = ggtext::element_textbox_simple(
            size = rel(0.75),
            margin = margin(1, 0, 0, 0, "lines"),
    ) +
    coord_cartesian(expand=FALSE, clip="off")


Ok, I might have gotten extra with this one. But I think it's a interesting visualization, so I wanted to make sure it looked nice. The text annotation in AlgebraOfGraphics.jl cannot compare at all to the ggrepel library. It allows us to quickly make annotations that automatically space out. Whereas for the AlgebraOfGraphics.jl, I could not make the same annotations automatically without lots of unreadable text boxes, and had to manually add a select few annotations with adjustments.


In summary, while AlgebraOfGraphics.jl does not have the same level of features and maturity as ggplot2, it still is a very usable data visualization library. In addition, since AlgebraOfGraphics.jl is built on top of Makie.jl, users have low-level access to the plotting backend, allowing for greater customizability compared to ggplot2. I am excited to see the evolution of AlgebraOfGraphics.jl as it matures.

In regard to Tidier.jl, I am seriously impressed with the speed with which this library was developed, and the level of usability it already has. It was easy to pick up with my background of using the tidyverse for data manipulation previously, and in general it is an intuitive library to use.

Thanks for reading! I hope you learned a bit about using AlgebraOfGraphics.jl and/or ggplot. I hope my quick visualizations look decent enough. More posts coming soon. Until next time.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Michal Jagodzinski. Last modified: May 09, 2024.
Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.