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Modelling Spacecraft Attitude Control with Thrusters

Simulating active spacecraft attitude control using thrusters

Hello and welcome back to Star Coffee. We continue developing our spacecraft attitude dynamics and control simulations, this time by implementing attitude control using thrusters.

Introduction to Attitude Control with Thrusters

The challenge of using thrusters for attitude control is the fact that the thrust they produce is not able to be throttled. In other words, the torque is on or off, 100% or 0%. Proportional thrusters do exist but are not typically used[1].

In my previous posts related to spacecraft attitude control, we have been simulating the responses of spacecraft to continuous torque values. If we want to simulate using thrusters, we have to implement some new controllers that have an either on or off torque output to the spacecraft.

The most simple controller we can use for controlling thrusters is the bang-bang controller. The control law is defined as:

u(t)={Usign(r(t))r(t)>00r(t)=0 u(t) = \begin{cases} U \text{sign} (r(t)) & |r(t)| > 0 \\ 0 & r(t) = 0 \end{cases}

Where uu is the controller output, UU is the thruster's torque, and rr is a reference signal, which is the output of another controller such as a PID controller. This control law is quite intuitive, if the error is greater than zero, the thruster(s) activate to correct the error. This control law is quite crude and leads to poor performance.

A slightly better control law is the bang-bang controller with a deadzone:

u(t)={Usign(r(t))r(t)α0r(t)<α u(t) = \begin{cases} U \text{sign} (r(t)) & |r(t)| \geq \alpha \\ 0 & |r(t)| < \alpha \end{cases}

This controller is quite similar except it has a deadzone of width 2α2\alpha, where it does not fire.

Next we have the Schmitt trigger, similar to the bang-bang controller with deadzone. In this case this control law is defined with a block diagram:

This control law functions by activating when the reference signal reaches a trigger threshold, UonU_\text{on}, and deactivates once it reaches an off threshold, UoffU_\text{off}. The Schmitt trigger is a very useful, and it will be a core part of the next two control laws we will be looking at.

The next controllers we will be looking at are a class of controllers called pulse modulators. First we have the pseudorate modulator or derived-rate modulator:

As can be seen, this controller builds upon the Schmitt trigger and adds in a first-order filter with time constant TmT_m and filter gain KmK_m.

The next controller, the pulse-width pulse-frequency modulator is very similar to the pseudorate modulator[2] :

The reference signal r(t)r(t) to the modulators utilizing the Schmitt trigger should be normalized by the nominal torque able to be generated by the thrusters[3].

Implementing Thruster Controllers with ModelingToolkit.jl

Alright, let's implement these controllers with ModelingToolkit.jl. For simplicity, we will only be implementing these controllers along one axis of a spacecraft.

using CairoMakie, AlgebraOfGraphics
using ModelingToolkit, ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary
using DifferentialEquations

@parameters t
const B = ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks

Let's create simple components to model a thruster and the spacecraft:

@component function Thruster(; name, thrust, lever_arm)
    @named ctrl_input = B.RealInput()
    @named torque_out = B.RealOutput()

    sts = @variables u(t) M(t)
    ps = @parameters thrust=thrust lever_arm=lever_arm

    eqs = [
        M ~ u * lever_arm * thrust,

        u ~ ctrl_input.u,
        torque_out.u ~ M

    ODESystem(eqs, t, sts, ps; systems=[ctrl_input, torque_out], name = name)

@component function SimpleSpacecraftPlant(; name, J=100.0, ϕ0=0.0, ω0=0.0)
    @named torque_in = B.RealInput()

    @named ϕ_out = B.RealOutput()
    @named ω_out = B.RealOutput()

    sts = @variables ϕ(t)=ϕ0 ω(t)=ω0
    ps = @parameters J=J ϕ00 ω00

    D = Differential(t)

    eqs = [
        D(ϕ) ~ ω,
        D(ω) ~ torque_in.u / J,

        ϕ_out.u ~ ϕ,
        ω_out.u ~ ω

        ODESystem(eqs, t, sts, ps; name = name), torque_in, ϕ_out, ω_out

Bang-Bang Controller

Let's start by simulating the basic bang-bang controller. First we create the component for the controller:

@component function BBController(; name, thruster_torque)
    @named ref_signal = B.RealInput()
    @named ctrl_output = B.RealOutput()

    sts = @variables ref(t) u(t)
    ps = @parameters thruster_torque=thruster_torque

    eqs = [
        u ~ thruster_torque*sign(ref),

        ref ~ ref_signal.u,
        ctrl_output.u ~ u

        ODESystem(eqs, t, sts, ps; name = name), ref_signal, ctrl_output

Next let's set up the simulation. For the reference signal, we'll obtain it by using the LimPID block from the MTK standard library:

setpoint = deg2rad(10)
@named θ_ref = B.Constant(k=setpoint)

J = 100
ωn = 0.5
ζ = 1.3

Kp = J*ωn^2
Kd = 2*J*ωn*ζ

@named ref_controller = B.LimPID(k=Kp, Td=Kd, Ti=1, gains=true)

F = 1
L = 1
@named thruster = Thruster(thrust=F, lever_arm=L)

@named plant = SimpleSpacecraftPlant(J=J)

F = 1
L = 1
@named bangbang_controller = BBController(thruster_torque=L*F)

Next I'll define a helper function to run the simulation with different controllers:

function simulate_system(controller; tspan=[0.0, 120.0], solver_kwargs...)
    system_eqs = [
        connect(θ_ref.output, ref_controller.reference),
        connect(ref_controller.ctr_output, controller.ref_signal),
        connect(controller.ctrl_output, thruster.ctrl_input),
        connect(thruster.torque_out, plant.torque_in),
        connect(plant.ϕ_out, ref_controller.measurement),

    @named model = ODESystem(
        system_eqs, t; systems = [
            θ_ref, ref_controller, thruster, plant, controller
    sys = structural_simplify(model)

    prob = ODEProblem(sys, [], tspan, [])
    sol = solve(prob; solver_kwargs...)

This function just takes care of composing the system and running the simulation automatically, and returns the solution object. The block diagram for this system is:

Let's simulate the system with a bang-bang controller and plot the results:

tspan=[0.0, 180.0]

bb_sol = simulate_system(bangbang_controller; tspan=tspan)

times = 0:0.1:tspan[2]
interp = bb_sol(times)

fig1 = Figure()
ax11 = Axis(fig1[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Angle (°)")

lines!(ax11, times, rad2deg.(interp[plant.ϕ]))
hlines!(ax11, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)

bracket!(120, 10, 180, 10, offset=5, text="Inset Area", style=:square, orientation=:down)

ax12 = Axis(fig1, bbox = BBox(400, 750, 200, 450))

lines!(ax12, 120:0.1:180, rad2deg.(bb_sol(120:0.1:180)[plant.ϕ]))
hlines!(ax12, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)


As can be seen in the inset plot, the bang-bang controller causes the spacecraft to oscillate rapidly as it reaches the setpoint. Let's take a look at the control output from the controller in the 120-180 second time range:

fig2 = Figure()
ax21 = Axis(fig2[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Controller Output")

lines!(ax21, 120:0.1:180, bb_sol(120:0.1:180)[bangbang_controller.ctrl_output.u])


The controller output is indeed incredibly oscillatory, causing the thruster to fire and stop incredibly rapidly. This causes a lot of unnecessary fuel usage, as well as the fact that real thrusters probably would not be able to pulse at these high frequencies.

Bang-Bang with Deadzone Controller

Next, let's take a look at a bang-bang controller with a deadzone to hopefully alleviate the steady-state oscillations. Let's define the component for this controller and simulate the same scenario as the previous:

@component function BBDZController(; name, thruster_torque, deadzone_α)
    @named ref_signal = B.RealInput()
    @named ctrl_output = B.RealOutput()

    sts = @variables ref(t) u(t)
    ps = @parameters thruster_torque=thruster_torque

    eqs = [
        u ~ (abs(ref) ≥ deadzone_α) * thruster_torque*sign(ref),

        ref ~ ref_signal.u,
        ctrl_output.u ~ u

        ODESystem(eqs, t, sts, ps; name = name), ref_signal, ctrl_output

α = 0.05
@named bangbangdz_controller = BBDZController(thruster_torque=L*F, deadzone_α=α)

bbdz_sol = simulate_system(bangbangdz_controller; tspan=tspan)

interp_bbdz = bbdz_sol(times)

fig3 = Figure()
ax31 = Axis(fig3[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Angle (°)")

lines!(ax31, times, rad2deg.(interp_bbdz[plant.ϕ]))
hlines!(ax31, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)

bracket!(120, 10, 180, 10, offset=5, text="Inset Area", style=:square, orientation=:down)

ax32 = Axis(fig3, bbox = BBox(400, 750, 200, 450))

lines!(ax32, 120:0.1:180, rad2deg.(bbdz_sol(120:0.1:180)[plant.ϕ]))

hlines!(ax32, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)


As can be seen, there is still some oscillations, as the controller is unable to completely stop the spacecraft from rotating. However, these oscillations are a lot lower frequency, resulting in much less vibration and fuel expenditure. The deadzone parameter α\alpha can also be tuned to provide the controller behaviour required.

Schmitt Trigger

The Schmitt trigger itself is an electric circuit, however we'll just be implementing a function that models the behaviour of the trigger. I don't like the way this is done currently, but it's the best I can do:

global_switch = 0

function _schmitt_behaviour_model(u, U_on, U_off)
    global global_switch

    if sign(u) > 0
        if u ≥ U_on && global_switch == 0
            global_switch = 1
        elseif u ≤ U_off && global_switch == 1
            global_switch = 0
        if u ≤ -U_on && global_switch == 0
            global_switch = -1
        elseif u ≥ -U_off && global_switch == -1
            global_switch = 0

    return global_switch

@register_symbolic _schmitt_behaviour_model(u, U_on, U_off)

We use the @register_symbolic macro to allow for the underlying Symbolics.jl types used in MTK to be used for boolean operations.

Next the Schmitt trigger component is defined as:

@component function SchmittTrigger(; name, U_on, U_off)
    @named ref_signal = B.RealInput()
    @named ctrl_output = B.RealOutput()

    sts = @variables u(t)

    eqs = [
        u ~ _schmitt_behaviour_model(ref_signal.u, U_on, U_off),
        ctrl_output.u ~ u

    ODESystem(eqs, t, sts, []; systems=[ref_signal, ctrl_output], name = name)

Simulating and plotting the results of the Schmitt trigger:

U_on = 0.45
U_off = U_on/3

@named schmitt_trigger = SchmittTrigger(U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off)

# custom system for schmitt trigger including a normalization block
@named normalization = B.StaticNonLinearity(u -> clamp(u/(F*L), -1, 1))
system_eqs_norm = [
    connect(θ_ref.output, ref_controller.reference),
    connect(ref_controller.ctr_output, normalization.input),
    connect(normalization.output, schmitt_trigger.ref_signal),
    connect(schmitt_trigger.ctrl_output, thruster.ctrl_input),
    connect(thruster.torque_out, plant.torque_in),
    connect(plant.ϕ_out, ref_controller.measurement),

@named model_norm = ODESystem(system_eqs_norm, t; systems = [θ_ref, ref_controller, thruster, plant, schmitt_trigger, normalization])
sys_norm = structural_simplify(model_norm)

prob_norm = ODEProblem(sys_norm, [], tspan, [])
st_sol = solve(prob_norm; adaptive=false, dt=0.005)

interp_st = st_sol(times)

fig4 = Figure()
ax41 = Axis(fig4[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Angle (°)")

lines!(ax41, times, rad2deg.(interp_st[plant.ϕ]))
hlines!(ax41, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)


Pseudorate Modulator

Next, we enhance the behaviour of the Schmitt trigger by using it to create the pseudorate modulator:

@component function PseudorateModulator(; name, time_constant, filter_gain, U_on, U_off, torque)
    @named ref_signal = B.RealInput()
    @named ctrl_output = B.RealOutput()

    @named trigger = SchmittTrigger(U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off)
    @named filter = B.FirstOrder(T=time_constant, k=filter_gain)
    @named feedback = B.Feedback()
    @named normalization = B.StaticNonLinearity(u -> clamp(u/torque, -1, 1))

    eqs = [
        connect(ref_signal, normalization.input),
        connect(normalization.output, feedback.input1),
        connect(feedback.output, trigger.ref_signal),
        connect(trigger.ctrl_output, filter.input),
        connect(trigger.ctrl_output, ctrl_output),
        connect(filter.output, feedback.input2),

    ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems=[trigger, filter, feedback, ref_signal, ctrl_output, normalization], name = name)

A quick note regarding the pseudorate modulator. Some sources such as [1] and [2] define the first-order filter in the modulator with an arbitrary gain KmK_m, whereas [3] defines the gain as 1. I will also include a version of this modulator with a static gain of 1 as well:

@component function PseudorateModulatorAlt(; name, time_constant,  U_on, U_off, torque)
    @named ref_signal = B.RealInput()
    @named ctrl_output = B.RealOutput()

    @named trigger = SchmittTrigger(U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off)
    @named filter = B.FirstOrder(T=time_constant)
    @named feedback = B.Feedback()
    @named normalization = B.StaticNonLinearity(u -> clamp(u/torque, -1, 1))

    eqs = [
        connect(ref_signal, normalization.input),
        connect(normalization.output, feedback.input1),
        connect(feedback.output, trigger.ref_signal),
        connect(trigger.ctrl_output, filter.input),
        connect(trigger.ctrl_output, ctrl_output),
        connect(filter.output, feedback.input2),

    ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems=[trigger, filter, feedback, ref_signal, ctrl_output, normalization], name = name)

Simulating and plotting the results of the two pseudorate modulators with alternative filter gain values:

K_m = 4.5
T_m = 0.85

@named prm = PseudorateModulator(time_constant=T_m, filter_gain=K_m, U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off, torque=F*L)

prm_sol = simulate_system(prm; tspan=tspan, adaptive=false, dt=0.005)

@named prm_alt = PseudorateModulatorAlt(time_constant=T_m, U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off, torque=F*L)
prm_alt_sol = simulate_system(prm_alt; tspan=tspan, adaptive=false, dt=0.005)

interp_prm = prm_sol(times)
interp_prm_alt = prm_alt_sol(times)

fig5 = Figure()
ax51 = Axis(fig5[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Angle (°)")

lines!(ax51, times, rad2deg.(interp_prm[plant.ϕ]), label=L"K_m = %$(K_m)")
lines!(ax51, times, rad2deg.(interp_prm_alt[plant.ϕ]), label=L"K_m = 1")

hlines!(ax51, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)



PWPF Modulator

Finally, let's define the component for our last and hopefully best performing controller, the PWPF modulator:

@component function PWPFModulator(; name, time_constant, filter_gain, U_on, U_off, torque)
    @named ref_signal = B.RealInput()
    @named ctrl_output = B.RealOutput()

    @named trigger = SchmittTrigger(U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off)
    @named filter = B.FirstOrder(T=time_constant, k=filter_gain)
    @named feedback = B.Feedback()
    @named normalization = B.StaticNonLinearity(u -> clamp(u/torque, -1, 1))

    eqs = [
        connect(ref_signal, normalization.input),
        connect(normalization.output, feedback.input1),
        connect(feedback.output, filter.input),
        connect(filter.output, trigger.ref_signal),
        connect(trigger.ctrl_output, feedback.input2),
        connect(trigger.ctrl_output, ctrl_output),

    ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; systems=[trigger, filter, feedback, ref_signal, ctrl_output, normalization], name = name)

Simulating and plotting the results of the PWPF modulator:

@named pwpf = PWPFModulator(time_constant=T_m, filter_gain=K_m, U_on=U_on, U_off=U_off, torque=F*L)

pwpf_sol = simulate_system(pwpf; tspan=tspan, adaptive=false, dt=0.005)

interp_pwpf = pwpf_sol(times)

fig6 = Figure()
ax61 = Axis(fig6[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Angle (°)")

lines!(ax61, times, rad2deg.(interp_pwpf[plant.ϕ]))
hlines!(ax61, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)


Controller Comparison

Let's now compare the quite different behaviours of every controller we've implemented:

fig7 = Figure()
ax71 = Axis(fig7[1,1], xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel="Angle (°)")

lines!(ax71, times, rad2deg.(interp_pwpf[plant.ϕ]), label="PWPF Modulator")
lines!(ax71, times, rad2deg.(interp_prm_alt[plant.ϕ]), label="Pseudorate Modulator")
lines!(ax71, times, rad2deg.(interp_st[plant.ϕ]), label="Schmitt Trigger")
lines!(ax71, times, rad2deg.(interp_bbdz[plant.ϕ]), label="Bang-Bang with Deadzone Controller")
lines!(ax71, times, rad2deg.(interp[plant.ϕ]), label="Bang-Bang Controller")

hlines!(ax71, [rad2deg(setpoint)], linestyle=:dash)

axislegend(ax71, position=:rb)


Wrapping Up

In conclusion, we have succesfully simulated various thruster controllers for spacecraft attitude control. Other controllers exist however I selected a handful that are easily able to be simulated using ModelingToolkit.jl, nevertheless controllers such as the pseudorate and PWPF modulators are commonly used. I hoped this post is useful and informative!

On another note, I really don't like the way I had to implement the behaviour model of a Schmitt trigger. If any readers have some suggestions to better implement the behaviour, ideally within the SchmittTrigger component itself, please reach out!

Thanks for reading, until next time.


June 2nd, 2023

Added normalization blocks to normalize the reference signal being read in by the modulators, as per [3]. Also added a note about the definition of the pseudorate modulator, and implemented the alternative definition.

Footnotes and References

[1] "Proportional thrusters, whose fuel valves open a distance proportional to the commanded thrust level, are not employed much in practice. Mechanical considerations prohibit proportional valve operation largely because of dirt particles that prevent complete closure for small valve openings; fuel leakage through the valves consequently produces opposing thruster firings." B. Wie, "Rotational Maneuvers and Attitude Control" in Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control, 2nd Ed., Reston, VA, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2008.
[2] T.D. Krøvel, "Optimal Tuning of PWPF Modulator for Attitude Control," M.S. thesis, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 2005.
[3] W. Fichter, R.T. Geshnizjani, "Actuator Commanding" in Principles of Spacecraft Control: Concepts and Theory for Practical Applications, 1st Ed., Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Michal Jagodzinski. Last modified: May 09, 2024.
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