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Solving Optimal Control Problems with JuMP.jl

By Michal Jagodzinski - May 17th, 2023

Hello and welcome back to Star Coffee. We return to the topic of optimal control, a field that I've been interested in (and struggling to learn) for a bit now. I'm not an expert on the theory yet, but I'm starting to get a grasp on using tools to solve optimal control problems.

In my previous post on this topic, we used Newton's method to solve the target hitting problem. The problem involves firing a projectile with some initial velocity in order to hit a target. We managed to implement an algorithm from scratch that finds a solution to the problem. However, if we are to cover more complicated optimal control problems, we're going to need to use some proper optimization tools to solve them. This is where JuMP.jl comes in.

JuMP.jl is a domain-specific modelling language for mathematical optimization. It has support for a variety of optimization types, including linear programming, nonlinear programming, etc. Using JuMP.jl allows for setting up and solving optimization problems in an easy and consistent format, which I will demonstrate with two examples.

If you want to read more about JuMP.jl, I actually used it for part of my propulsion course project back in undergrad. I wrote about it on my Substack here: Supersonic Inlet Design Using JuMP and Julia.

Target Hitting Problem with JuMP

Let's get started on solving the target hitting problem by importing both JuMP.jl and Ipopt.jl, which is a wrapper for the Ipopt optimization solver. JuMP.jl on its own does not solve optimization problems, it only provides an easy and universal interface for optimization solvers.

using JuMP, Ipopt, CairoMakie, AlgebraOfGraphics

Defining some values:

# physical constants
g = 9.80665
m = 5.0
c = 0.25
vt = m*g / c

# target coordinates
xt = 180
yt = 20

# grid points for discretization
n = 50

Initializing the JuMP model and defining the timestep and state variables:

model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)

@variables(model, begin
    Δt ≥ 0, (start = 1 / n)
    x_proj[1:n] ≥ 0
    y_proj[1:n] ≥ 0

    0 ≤ vx_proj[1:n] ≤ 100
    vy_proj[1:n] ≤ 100

Next, we set the boundary conditions and an initial guess for the initial velocity. For this scenario, the projectile starts at (0,0)(0,0), and we want it to end up hitting the target at (180,20)(180,20):

# enforcing boundary conditions
fix(x_proj[1], 0; force=true)
fix(x_proj[n], xt; force=true)

fix(y_proj[1], 0; force=true)
fix(y_proj[n], yt; force=true)

# initial guess for initial velocity
set_start_value(vx_proj[1], 20)
set_start_value(vy_proj[1], 20)

Next, we define the acceleration terms of the system for use in the system dynamics. Essentially this step introduces more variables to the JuMP model, but these variables are not varied by the solver, we can just use them in other expressions:

        ax[j=1:n], -(g/vt)*vx_proj[j]
        ay[j=1:n], -g -(g/vt)*vy_proj[j]

Next, we define the system dynamics using the trapezoidal integration rule. We enforce the system dynamics by setting them as constraints for all points past t=0t=0:

for j ∈ 2:n
        x_proj[j] == x_proj[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(vx_proj[j] + vx_proj[j-1])
        y_proj[j] == y_proj[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(vy_proj[j] + vy_proj[j-1])

        vx_proj[j] == vx_proj[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(ax[j] + ax[j-1])
        vy_proj[j] == vy_proj[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(ay[j] + ay[j-1])

Finally, we finish setting up the optimization problem by defining the objective function. Since we want an optimal initial velocity, we need to minimize the magnitude of the initial projectile velocity:

@NLobjective(model, Min, sqrt(vx_proj[1]^2 + vy_proj[1]^2))

Optimizing the model:


This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

* Solver : Ipopt

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : LOCALLY_SOLVED
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Objective value    : 4.91219e+01
  Dual objective value : 2.70241e+01

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 1.37921e+00

We now have the optimal initial velocity of the projectile in order to minimize the objective function vx,02+vy,02\sqrt{v_{x,0}^2 + v_{y,0}^2}:

value(vx_proj[1]), value(vy_proj[1])
(34.546043432655814, 34.921789367672076)


fig1 = Figure(resolution=(900,350))

ax11 = Axis(
    fig1[1,1], aspect = DataAspect(),
    xlabel="x (m)", ylabel="y (m)"

lines!(ax11, value.(x_proj)[:], value.(y_proj)[:])
scatter!(ax11, [xt], [yt])


Let's compare this solution to the one we achieved in the previous post on this topic:

It can clearly be seen that while both solutions hit the target, the finite difference solution appears to have a greater xx velocity. The JuMP solution has an initial projectile velocity magnitude of 49.12 m/s, whereas the finite difference solution has a magnitude of 51.95 m/s, about 5.5% less efficient.

This variation in solutions makes sense, when we were calculating the initial conditions using finite differences, we were minimizing the error between the target and the final projectile position. For the JuMP solution, we are instead minimizing the magnitude of the initial velocity.

Hang Glider Range Maximization

Let's now cover a more complex problem. This time, we are trying to maximize the range a hang glider achieves in a thermal updraft. This scenario and all the equations/values comes from Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming.

The state variables are y(t)=(x,y,vx,vy)\mathbf{y}^\intercal(t) = (x,y,v_{x}, v_{y}), where xx is the horizontal distance, yy is the altitude, vxv_x is the horizontal velocity, and vyv_y is the vertical velocity. The control variable is u(t)=CLu(t) = C_{L}, the aerodynamic lift coefficient. The final time tFt_{F} is free and the final range xFx_{F} is to be maximized.

The state equations which describe the planar motion for the hang glider are:

x˙=vx \dot{x} = v_{x} y˙=vy \dot{y} = v_{y} v˙x=1m(LsinηDcosη) \dot{v}_{x} = \frac{1}{m} (- L \sin \eta - D \cos \eta) v˙y=1m(LcosηDsinηmg) \dot{v}_{y} = \frac{1}{m} (L \cos \eta - D \sin \eta - mg)

With the quadratic drag polar

CD(CL)=C0+kCL2 C_{D} (C_{L}) = C_{0} + k C_{L}^2

With expressions

D=12CDρSvr2L=12CLρSvr2X=(xR2.5)2ua(x)=uM(1X)eXVy=vyua(x)vr=vx2+Vy2sinη=Vyvrcosη=vxvr \begin{array}{cc} D = \frac{1}{2} C_{D} \rho S v_{r}^2 & L = \frac{1}{2} C_{L} \rho S v_{r}^2 \\ & \\ X = \left( \frac{x}{R} - 2.5 \right)^2 & u_{a}(x) = u_{M} (1 - X) e^{-X} \\ & \\ V_{y} = v_{y} - u_{a} (x) & v_{r} = \sqrt{ v_{x}^2 + V_{y}^2 } \\ & \\ \sin \eta = \dfrac{V_{y}}{v_{r}} & \cos \eta = \dfrac{v_{x}}{v_{r}} \end{array}

With constants

uM=2.5m=100R=100S=14C0=0.034ρ=1.13k=0.069662g=9.80665 \begin{array}{cc} u_{M} = 2.5 & m = 100 \\ & \\ R = 100 & S = 14 \\ & \\ C_{0} = 0.034 & \rho = 1.13 \\ & \\ k = 0.069662 & g=9.80665 \end{array}

The lift coefficient is bounded

0CL1.4 0 \leq C_{L} \leq 1.4

And the following boundary conditions are imposed:

x(0)=0x(tf):freey(0)=1000y(tf)=900vx(0)=3.227567500vx(tf)=3.227567500vy(0)=1.2875005200vy(tf)=1.2875005200 \begin{array}{cc} x(0) = 0 & x(t_{f}): \text{free} \\ & \\ y(0) = 1000 & y(t_{f}) = 900 \\ & \\ v_{x}(0) = 3.227567500 & v_{x}(t_{f}) = 3.227567500 \\ & \\ v_{y}(0) = −1.2875005200 & v_{y}(t_{f}) = −1.2875005200 \end{array}

The initial guess was computed using linear interpolation between the boundary conditions, with x(tf)=1250x(t_{f}) = 1250, and CL(0)=CL(tf)=1C_{L}(0) = C_{L}(t_{f}) = 1.

Using JuMP.jl easily allows for formatting this much more complicated example into code very similar to the simpler example.

glider_model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)


u_M = 2.5
m = 100
R = 100
S = 14
C_0 = 0.034
ρ = 1.13
k = 0.069662
g = 9.080665

n_glider = 200

Defining state and control variables:

@variables(glider_model, begin
    # Time step
    Δt ≥ 0, (start = 1 / n_glider)

    # state variables
    x[1:n_glider] ≥ 0
    vx[1:n_glider] ≥ 0
    y[1:n_glider] ≥ 0

    # control variable
    0 ≤ C_L[1:n_glider] ≤ 1.4

Setting boundary conditions and initial guesses:

fix(x[1], 0; force=true)

fix(y[1], 1000; force=true)
fix(y[n_glider], 900; force=true)

fix(vx[1], 13.227567500; force=true)
fix(vx[n_glider], 13.227567500; force=true)

fix(vy[1], -1.2875005200; force=true)
fix(vy[n_glider], -1.2875005200; force=true)

set_start_value(x[n_glider], 1250)
set_start_value(C_L[1], 1)
set_start_value(C_L[n_glider], 1)

Defining expressions:

        C_D[j=1:n_glider], C_0 + k * C_L[j]^2

        X[j=1:n_glider], (x[j]/R - 2.5)^2

        u_a[j=1:n_glider], u_M*(1 - X[j])*exp(-X[j])

        V_y[j=1:n_glider], vy[j] - u_a[j]

        v_r[j=1:n_glider], sqrt(vx[j]^2 + V_y[j]^2)

        L[j=1:n_glider], 0.5*C_L[j]*ρ*S*v_r[j]^2

        D[j=1:n_glider], 0.5*C_D[j] * ρ * S * v_r[j]^2

        sin_η[j=1:n_glider], V_y[j]/v_r[j]

        cos_η[j=1:n_glider], vx[j]/v_r[j]

Defining system dynamics:

for j in 2:n_glider
    @NLconstraint(glider_model, x[j] == x[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(vx[j] + vx[j-1]))
    @NLconstraint(glider_model, y[j] == y[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(vy[j] + vy[j-1]))
        vx[j] == vx[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(
            (1/m)*(-L[j] * sin_η[j] - D[j] * cos_η[j]) +
            (1/m)*(-L[j-1] * sin_η[j-1] - D[j-1] * cos_η[j-1])
        vy[j] == vy[j-1] + 0.5*Δt*(
            (1/m)*(L[j] * cos_η[j] - D[j] * sin_η[j] - m*g) +
            (1/m)*(L[j-1] * cos_η[j-1] - D[j-1] * sin_η[j-1] - m*g)

Setting objective and optimizing:

@objective(glider_model, Max, x[n_glider])

* Solver : Ipopt

* Status
  Result count       : 1
  Termination status : LOCALLY_SOLVED
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution (result #1)
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Objective value    : 1.25952e+03
  Dual objective value : 1.10179e+03

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 6.91278e+01

Visualizing the state variables over the time period:

function plot_opt_variable(fig_ax, y, ylabel)
    ax = Axis(fig_ax, xlabel="Time (s)", ylabel=ylabel)
    lines!(ax, (1:n_glider) * value.(Δt), value.(y)[:])
    return ax

fig2 = Figure(resolution=(1000,500))

ax21 = plot_opt_variable(fig2[1,1], x, "Horizontal Distance (m)")
ax22 = plot_opt_variable(fig2[1,2], y, "Altitude (m)")
ax23 = plot_opt_variable(fig2[2,1], vx, "Horizontal Velocity (m/s)")
ax24 = plot_opt_variable(fig2[2,2], vy, "Vertical Velocity (m/s)")


We can also plot the control action u(t)=CLu(t) = C_L over time:

fig3 = Figure(resolution=(800,400))
ax31 = plot_opt_variable(fig3[1,1], C_L, L"C_L")


As can be seen, the problem setup for this example is quite similar to the previous example. It has many more variables and expressions involved, but the fundamental problem definition is quite similar. This is why I enjoy using JuMP.jl so much, it's great for both simple and complex optimization problems.

Wrapping Up

Thanks for reading! I hope this post was insightful and inspired you to check out using JuMP.jl for optimal control work. I will continue to learn the theory behind optimal control, so expect more posts on this topic soon. Until next time.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Michal Jagodzinski. Last modified: September 17, 2023.
Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.